Under Vista/Windows 7 be sure to run Future Pinball as administrator.
If you are new to Future Pinball be sure to Download
Sci-Fi Classic (below) and check out the Tables section on this
site and the Support Forum
for other user designed tables.
You can if you wish
make a small donation to help with the costs of the
site, a gesture of thanks, buy us a beer on friday,
This software is release 'As Is'. It may contain bugs and
missing features.
Pc World did a 12 page tutorial
Future Pinball
its "Build You Own Games" book
released December 2006.
You can download a PDF of the Tutorial HERE (you might have to right click and Save Target As...
depending on your browser)
Sci-Fi Classic (Version 1.1.20051231, 15meg)
Download Sci-Fi Classic
The official
example table for
Future Pinball